With Deepest Condolences

For Immediate Release from the Office of Ms. Cylithria A. Dubois:

February 13, 2014

Kaiden Dawson IV and I wish to express our deepest sorrow for the loss of a beloved niece, Quinn. Our hearts, prayers, energies, and love go out to his sisters as they mourn the loss of their daughter, and to all of the family during this time. Believing that great things are born of death, Kaid and I stand with open arms, welcoming the greatness that Quinns’ passing will bring in her honor. Thank you.

Cylithria A. Dubois
Kaiden Dawson L. IV

Gift of the Heart


The greatest gift I have ever received. A hand written fairytale, “The Spitfire Princess” by Author – Kai Kiriyama, aka @RaggedyAuthor with the greatest bookmark from the ever epic NaNoWriMo.org

There could be no greater gift for a writer than a story written especially for that writer! Kai is a genius, a talented writer, and one of the best women I’ve ever known.

Humbled, Honored, Heartstruck and in awe. Thank you my sweet friend, Lady Kai! I love you.